Wednesday 18 March 2015

Line Follower with LeJOS DifferentialPilot and PIDController classes

Below is the program which makes use of LeJOS DifferentialPilot and PIDController classes to make a line follower. The underlying PID Controller concept is the same as explained in the article Line Follower with PID Controller. The appropriate values of Kp, Ki and Kd are set in the program. Higher values of Ki makes the robot unstable in line following (makes it go round and round around itself). Lower values of Kd gives a delayed response when following sharp runs (like a right/left/U turn). Higher values of Kp makes the robot follow the line in a shaky manner. The video clip shows the performance of the program.

Let me explain the Cruiser class of the LeJOS program below. The core classes, their attributes and methods used in the Cruiser class are explained in the LeJOS APIs at the below links:
The program starts with setting the parameters - wheel diameter, track width, left motor, right motor and reverse setting which are required for DifferentialPilot to function. The OdometryPoseProvider is then initialized with DifferentialPilot class object passed to its constructor, in order to track the pose of the robot in the 2D-space. The pose represents the current location and the heading of the robot. For the pose, the distance travelled by the robot is measured in Pilot units (that means if we have set the wheel diameter and track width in inches, we will get the distance travelled in inches. If we have set them in centimeters, we will get the distance in centimeters). The heading angle is measured in degrees. The pose readings are required if we want to plot the trajectory of the robot. An example of expected trajectory is given below. 


After feeding the instantaneous pose readings into a graph plotter (like plotly), we get to see the actual trajectory as follows:

To take a look at good in-place U-Turns at the dead ends, please take a look at below video. 

In our example of Line Follower, the pose readings do not exactly match with the actuals after the robot performs U-turns at the dead-ends. If we apply certain correction for in-place U-Turns, we may be able to get the exact trajectory. However, I have not applied any correction for this plot but we do get an idea of the trajectory that the robot is following. More concrete use of the pose, will be explained in the Maze Solver article. For now, in the Cruiser, we need to set the travel speed and the rotate speed of the robot. Travel speed is in the wheel-diameter unit per second and the rotate speed is in degrees per second. Further, we initialize the PIDController constructor with the set-point (in our case, the threshold value), set the required PID parameters and pass the instantaneous value of the light intensity to the doPID () method. The Kp, Ki and Kd needs to be tuned appropriately in order for the robot to follow the black line over white surface. 

NOTE: It would serve great help if you read the below article before going through code given in current article. That will make you familiar with the calibration concept. 

Thursday 12 March 2015

Line Follower with PID Controller

I am sharing the leJOS line follower program with PID controller. Here is the reference literature for PID controller. As we all know the PID Controller works based on continuous feedback from the system relative to a given set-point. If the system moves away from the set-point, the feedback is provided such that, it will return back to the set-point. The PID algorithm works so as to minimize the error between the actual and the set-point. In case of the Line-Follower program below, the system is the Line-Follower itself. The set-point is the light intensity which the system has to follow in order to continue moving on the black line and should not lose the track. In our case, we define the set-point as the average light intensity of black and white colors. We call the set-point as threshold. The way of configuring the threshold being average = (black + white)/2, the line-follower follows the edge of the black stripe placed on the white paper. I have put two perpendicular stripes for the line follower as a challenge, to know how precisely it can follow the turn. (It is relatively easy for the line follower to follow smooth curves. But most of the time in real-life scenario, we do not get smooth turns. We encounter perpendicular sharp turns). The other challenge was to find out how effectively the line-follower faces a dead-end. Hence in the below small experiment, I have incorporated two perpendicular turns and two dead-ends with black stripes. You can imagine it as a road, on which the car is moving with a relatively slow speed. The speed is kept slow in order for the Line-Follower not to lose its track. We can even increase the speed and try the same experiment, but let us keep that for some other time. 

Now let us look at the digitized-PID controller algorithm which I have incorporated in the LeJOS program below. The set-point is the threshold as described in the above paragraph. The feedback is provided in the form of error, which is the difference between the actual-light-intensity at any given instance and the threshold value. If the actual-light-intensity of the robot is more towards black or more towards white, the system will pull it back towards the threshold, i.e. the edge of the line. In the below digitized-PID algorithm, we convert the error, its integral and its derivative into power value which will be supplied to the right and left motors. The power will be supplied to the motors such that, if the car is too much on the black surface, it will be pulled on to the white surface and vice-versa. In the digitized version of the integral error, the past error value is added to the current error value iteratively. While the digitized version of derivative, the last error is subtracted from the current error iteratively. Please take a look into the following three lines of code for illustration, where color represents the current light intensity based on the robot's position on the black or white surface.

The correction variable represents the calculated value of power, where error term gets multiplied by Kp (the proportional coefficient), the integral term gets multiplied by Ki (the integral coefficient) and the derivative term gets multiplied by Kd (the derivative coefficient). The Kp, Ki and Kd need to be tuned in order for the Line-Follower to follow the line appropriately with a certain speed. In my case the default power of the Line-Follower is set to 20. This value is based on trial and error in order for the speed to be relatively slow. Below is the video clip to show the performance of the program for given kp, ki and kd parameters.  

NOTE - In order for the Calibration details of Black and White intensities, it would better to take a look at my Line Follower program first.

Observations: The program seems to be following the perpendicular turn well with the current Kp, Kd and Ki coefficients and the given speed. However, it does not take the U turn at the dead-end very well. For taking an in-place U turn there is a need for more fine-tuning of PID coefficients. To know about how a better in-place U-turn looks like, please take a look at my video In-Place U turn. I have not yet concluded anything about the 'effect of tuning the parameters' over the line follower. However, that would be reserved for the future. 

I hope you liked this article!